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How Do You Define Success?
Is success equivalent to wealth and influence or could it have a different meaning? How does this weighty word affect your view of life?
The Insulated Introvert and the Isolated Extrovert
Where introverts find comfort in isolation, extroverts can fall into a deep depression. Take note, extroverts...patience truly is a virtue.
Here I am.
“I am” is an affirmation that both stands alone and emphasizes whatever follows. Learn the Power of I Am and how to harness that power.
Slowing Down to Move Faster
Counter-intuitive advice that really works! By not forcing your way forward, you can make more efficient progress & have FUN along the way!
Mystery Solved: It was the Egg.
This summer, my nine-year-old daughter solved the riddle: Which came first - the chicken or the egg? The implications are far reaching!
Finding My Rhythm...Literally
Japan offers so many opportunities to connect to its unique culture. I found a way to connect via drums.
Where to Stash Your Next Great Idea
The problem with having technology at our fingertips is that there’s too much of it. So how do you capture your next great idea?
Why You Shouldn't Relaunch
In the context of a career, the word relaunch implies a return to a prior role. Is that the best option for present-day you?
Do I Really Even Need A Website?
The short answer: yes, you do. Over the years, I've helped people and companies craft websites to tell the story of who they are.
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